Hosting an Event – Peach State Pride


Hosting an Event

Here at Peach State Pride, we consider it a privilege to be able to support so many worthy philanthropies across the state of Georgia. As a Campus Rep, you are one of our main ways of discovering and participating in philanthropic opportunities. You have total creative freedom to host or participate in events that you feel will create the most awareness on your campus. We encourage you to involve Peach State Pride in your own organization, as well as other major student groups on campus.


There are two ways we support organizations’ events: tabling and/or becoming general event sponsors. Tabling involves setting up a table or booth at an organization’s event and hosting a raffle to spread the word about Peach State Pride and give away some freebies. Becoming a general event sponsor entails Peach State Pride connecting with the philanthropy chair or other event coordinator and providing a monetary or merchandise donation to support an event.


Sound like something you’d be interested in? We like you already. All you need to do is submit an event request form online. If approved, you will be contacted about the event and will receive a package in the mail.


Setting up a Table

Materials: table, Peach State Pride flag, Peach State Pride merchandise, bowl or hat for raffle drawings, sheet with raffle items (or numbers coordinating to certain items) cut out, spreadsheet for recording emails (preferably on computer rather than handwritten), camera (or phone) for photos

  1. Use flag as table cloth. Arrange merchandise in an organized and appealing way on table.
  2. When people come up to the table, have them write an email address before choosing a piece of paper from the raffle. Award them whatever prize their raffle ticket coordinates to.
  3. Take photos at the event. We want to see your awesome setup and some people who won Peach State Pride gear!
  4. Enter emails you’ve gathered in a spreadsheet (try to have a computer at the event to make this easier). Email list of emails tomarketing@peachstatepride.com within three days of event. Also attach photos of event to this email.

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